scancode technology

Scancode Technology contributes to enhancing its customers' competitiveness because we specialize in and have experience in automatic identification technology (barcode and RFID). Our implementations provide you with a competitive advantage in your productive or commercial activities.

Through the range of services we provide, we assist you in finding the optimal solution for the quickest return on your investment.

The Scancode Technology team has extensive experience collaborating with our main partner, Datalogic.

our services

  • We analyze the economic processes within the areas covered by our solutions to enable you, first and foremost, to assess the productivity growth resulting from the adoption of our proposed solutions and the return on your investment period;
  • We provide assistance for documenting project funding requests within the Sectoral Operational Program (POS CCE) Competitiveness (Structural Funds);
  • We design and size the systems according to your specific needs, resulting in the most accurate acquisition cost;
  • We provide complete installation - both software and hardware;
  • We supply the consumables required for labeling systems;
  • We provide training for the personnel working with our systems;
  • We offer maintenance services for both hardware and software systems;
  • We provide service for equipment under warranty (including warranty extensions) as well as post-warranty support;
  • We offer consultancy services for evaluating work efficiency (productivity) and identifying measures that can enhance it.



Scancode's solutions, with Datalogic equipment, provide manufacturers with the means to enhance the efficiency, safety, and product quality. The range of devices...



Today's supply chains demand end-to-end visibility and real-time tracking. Scancode's sensor and vision system solutions track...



Scancode has developed a comprehensive range of retail solutions designed to adapt to your needs. With all sorts of trendy terms like...



Automatic data acquisition in the healthcare field ensures quality care, effective medications, and safety for patients and healthcare providers. Machine Vision solutions...