Over 20 years experience in the production of industrial laser sources has enabled Datalogic Laser Marking to create the most comprehensive product portfolio in the marketplace by offering solutions throughout a wide range of applications.

Laser Marking products provide value added marking solutions for the Automotive, Aerospace, Industrial Electronics, Metal tooling, precision mechanics and Medical & Surgical devices. Laser Marking products are offered in the three main laser technologies: Fiber Laser, Solid State Laser and Co2 Laser and cover a wide range of applications on almost any material, fulfilling every customer need for permanent marking.


The solution of choice in manufacturing traceability.

AREX400 Series includes 6 different fiber laser sources, from 10W to 100W and 20W M.O.P.A. on one single unified platform. AREX400 design and configuration dramatically simplifies and speeds up machine design and system integration. AREX 400 family is the preferred solution for any application requiring reliable Direct Part Marking (DPM) in manufacturing industries, from automotive to precision mechanics and from industrial electronics to healthcare manufacturing.


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UniQ™ – Compact , Powerful, integrated: unique!

UniQ laser marker is a revolutionary and innovative approach to fiber laser marking: For the first time on the market, no external controller or power supply is needed, no fiber delivery constrains, no fiber length or bending radius limitations. An advanced mechanical design and high-quality components provide an IP54 degree of protection for harsh environment and industrial application. UniQ marker provided an extremely compact and flexible solution for manufacturing industries where the ease of use, dimensions and price/power ratio are the most important buying criteria.

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Ulyxe Family

The most compact and versatile Solid State Laser Marker on the market (only 42cm, 16,5”).

Thanks to its advanced technology the Ulyxe family provides the best price to performance ratio in the laser marking world. As a result of its cost-effectiveness and competitive positioning, the Ulyxe family is the first choice in marking solutions even when compared with traditional marking techniques. With its extreme compactness, this laser family represents the ideal laser marking solution both in standalone configurations as well as OEM applications.

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Designed for demanding 24H7 processes marking on thermoplastic materials.

VLASE combines the long production experience of high performance and quality Diode Pumped Solid State (DPSS) laser sources with the flexibility and performances of EMC controller. VLASE Series represents the ideal solution for direct part marking in any market segment including automotive, electronics, packaging, as well as in medical surgical tools marking and other applications.


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